Thursday, 21 January 2010

Network like a Jedi

Over the course of the last week or so I have ran two seminars and one workshop on getting the best out of LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, which have not only been enlightening but very rewarding. The people I have met have all been fantastic and I am sure they got as much out of it as I did.

The term ‘Network like a Jedi’ was said at a workshop and I thought that’s fantastic and just about sums it all up and I wish I had thought of it.

Anyway the purpose of this post is to share with you some of the things I think are important when using these fantastic platforms and even though some of the points are old ones they are, none the less good ones that bare repeating.

  • Create a killer profile and remember its not a CV but what you want to do now and in the future and remember to add a photo, yes it is important
  • Remember that you are talking to real people with real feelings
  • Use the people search to find who you are looking for colleagues, past and present, in fact anyone you can think of that can help you and your business
  • Build your network with people of similar interests and goals
  • Recommend and ask for recommendations.
  • Your profile is key so think about it
  • Be cautious on who you follow and think about the reasons you are
  • Download Tweetdeck, you won’t be able to do without it
  • One of the quickest ways to get your business and its products or services out there 
  • Perfect for customer service
  • A great tool for finding out what clients and associates do for pleasure
  • Great to use as an ice breaker before a meeting, “how was the skiing trip” etc
  • Fill out your profile completely to earn trust.
  • Create a business account if you don’t already have one.
  • Post business updates on your wall. Focus on business activities, such as “Working with Widgets Company on new web site redesign.”
Everyone of these comments came from the seminars and workshops proving what a great source of knowledge and inspiration they really are.
Here’s to the next round and let me know how you use the 'big three'?

photo credit: Stella Dauer

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Is it just me...?

Now it isn't very often I have a rant but I feel the need today. I got into the office this morning with the sole intention of going through my presentation notes for Friday's workshop, so I switched off the annoying sound that my phone makes when an email arrives, you just have to look don’t you? But even after making the office sound proof all I have had is a constant flow of automated phone calls trying to sell me everything from webspace to a gold plated pen if I sign up for something or other.

It really gets my goat that these people are no respecters of privacy at all. I have been known, on occasion, to humour one of the guys on the other end of the phone, as my daughter did a similar thing as she was going through university, she told me how hard and soul destroying it can be to have the phone put down on them. But it isn’t even a person on the end of the phone that I can have a conversation with its an annoying drone.

Wouldn’t it be much better to maybe send an email, that way I can quickly add it to my junk folder. Surprise, surprise I have a business so I know what a nightmare marketing can be and how difficult it can also be to get your message across, but this just leaves me cold and I am sure I am not alone in this.

Right there’s my rant for the year…hopefully! Now back to work.

Let me know if this irritates you too and other guerrilla tactics that are being used to try and grab our attention.

photo credit: oneofsomany

Monday, 11 January 2010

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Take five minutes and tell me its not true.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Generating Fans - continued

In the last post I asked if you had started a fan page on either Facebook or other platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter.
If you haven’t then you should seriously think about it and if you have then well done you are heading in the right direction.

As I type this I am listening to a classic rock internet radio station from America not too long ago that wouldn’t have been possible, but what does that have to do with this you ask. Well after you have your page up and running, instructions how to do that are here, you should decide who you are going to target:
  • Is your business a global business?
  • Is your business a local business?
  • Is your business both?
  • What is your goal? 
  • This could be to make money by increased sales
  • Attract more visitors to your site to give them information
Whatever this is you have to have a goal or it’s all meaningless.

So how do you work out your strategy to get people to your ‘page’ well use the above as a starting point and then re work your plan and we will discuss this in more detail next time.

What is your plan for 2010, let me know?

Image credit: Keith McMean