Let me know and maybe we can start a revolution?
Here is some more 'meat on the bones'
This is for all those businesses out there who find the current crop of business social networking sites, such as, LinkedIn, ecademy and a host of others just too damn difficult to use
At KMiDigital we like to make life simple, in fact so simple you don’t really have to think about what you are doing and when you are doing it. It becomes so routine it becomes part of your daily routine. It might be me but some of these social networking sites drive me up the wall, they are either to complicated to use and something that should be as simple as finding the business or area you want is either very difficult or not there, ring any bells?
So why is it we all love FaceBook and use it regularly, could it be that it is so simple to use and administer that you don’t need the attention span of a nuclear scientist to use it, it might well be.
Twitter is relatively new but has taken hold like a house on fire and everyone seems to be using it, are you, and if so why.
The purpose of this exercise is to find out what you think, as a business, about the social networking sites you use and which are you’re favourites and which are you’re least favourites and don’t forget to tell us why.
It could be that we are well on our way to helping you achieve if not all, then some of your business goals and ambitions.
Please add your comments below…and thank you for your time.
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